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The inside story on HOA, CAB, and other homeowner fees in Sterling Ranch

Writer's picture: Mariel Megan RossMariel Megan Ross

Updated: Jul 16, 2018

Sterling Ranch doesn't have a Master HOA like many large master-planned communities, but the Community Authority Board (CAB) functions in similar fashion

UPDATE: Click here for 2018 CAB Fee estimates.

One of the topics several clients interested in building a home in Sterling Ranch have asked me about is Sterling Ranch's homeowners association (HOA), and exactly what the HOA fees are in the community and what they cover. To put it simply, there currently is no HOA governing Sterling Ranch. That said, the community will be governed by an 11-member board called the Sterling Ranch Community Authority Board (CAB), which is similar to a HOA in several ways, and different in several ways as well.

Before we get into the CAB fees you'll be paying as a homeowner, here's a little bit more about the CAB! The CAB is comprised of five representatives from the management district and one property owner from each of Sterling Ranch's six financing districts. Each of the financing districts is governed by a citizen-elected, five-person board, with one director from each district serving on the CAB. These districts will collectively be responsible for maintaining Sterling Ranch - so the CAB is pretty important. Streets, water, parks (like the incredible future Sterling Ranch park in the picture above!), and similar amenities are the responsibility of the CAB.

Below are the estimated property owner fees for 2017. Keep in mind these are estimates, and the fee amounts, and the nature, type, and number of fees, can and likely will change over time, especially given how new the Sterling Ranch community is and the projected final size of the community.

Given that the fees below are estimates and honestly a little dated at this point (2017), if you're interested in learning more about what you'll be paying if you build a home in Sterling Ranch, I would be happy to help you spreadsheet not just your CAB fees, but the projected final price of your Wonderland, Lennar, Parkwood, or whichever builder you choose, with upgrades, lot premiums, and everything else included! That's one of the value-adds I can provide you as your Sterling Ranch realtor :). E-mail me at!

Two quick notes - first, if you have questions about the Technology Connectivity Fee (the CenturyLink fee at the bottom of the graphic), check out this Roundup post for more on what you get for your $85 per month. What CenturyLink and Sterling Ranch are doing on the technology front is both impressive and unprecedented in Colorado, and like I mentioned in the post, the 1 Gig Internet service is great for both residents today, and also great for residents when and if they sell in the future.

Second, keep in mind the numbers below do not include property taxes. I'll write more about property taxes in a future Roundup post.

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